You’re smart. You’re capable. You know that if you could figure out what you wanted to do there’d be no stopping you.
Surely there’s an option that will let you use your gifts, contribute in a way you care about, and meet your financial needs.
But every time you go through the cycle of idea!, hope, research, overwhelm, and analysis-paralysis, you get more discouraged.
All the journaling, assessments, and personal development are not adding up to anything. It’s almost like the more you learn about yourself the more confused you feel.
At your low points, you feel powerless, scared, and just BLAH.
Part of you dreams of running away to the woods, befriending the owls, and learning which mushrooms are safe to eat, but a bigger part of you feels pulled to help make the world a better place. (Might we suggest some of both?)
You know you can’t save the world, but you want to do your part.
And you want to do it without sacrificing your own health, finances, and enjoyment of life.
Part of you dreams of running away to the woods, befriending the owls, and learning which mushrooms are safe to eat, but a bigger part of you feels pulled to help make the world a better place. (Might we suggest some of both?)
You know you can’t save the world, but you want to do your part.
And you want to do it without sacrificing your own health, finances, and enjoyment of life.
That old quote about “no one is coming to save you” hits especially hard as you accept that if your situation is going to change, you’re going to have to change it.
But you also know it’s high time to surrender and get the right kind of help. Because what you’ve been doing? It’s not working. And life is too short to keep feeling like this.
You have something to offer the world.
We help you find out what it is and how to share it.
It’s not too much to ask, and there is a reliable way to figure out the work that’s right for you.
Given your circumstances, it’s understandable that you’d be drained, discouraged, and doubting yourself. But that’s not a productive place to make life-affirming decisions from.
So before we do anything else, we start with bringing you back home to yourself. We put you back at the center of your life.
We quiet the voice of the parent, partner, or abusive boss in your head so you can learn to listen to your voice, wants, and needs.
We help you reconnect to who you are, what you care about, and what you have to offer so you can make decisions from a place of quiet confidence.
We help you start rehabilitating your relationship with work so you don’t recreate the very kind of situations you’re trying to get away from.
Skipping straight to resumes, job searches, and business plans is an atrocious waste of time, money, and energy without this solid foundation in place. This is essential. But it’s just half of what you need.
The part that needs money for the real world, the part that wants to make a difference, the part that wants to feel competent & useful, the part that wants a life outside of work, and the part that wants to be your authentic self at work.
Like most of our clients, maybe you’ve already tried to figure this out by working with a career coach, life coach, or therapist. Maybe you’ve taken assessments or have journals filled with deep stuff about yourself.
Knowing yourself is not enough. You have to know how to apply relevant self-knowledge into making an actionable choice. We pioneered the process for this.
We help you create a list of options that are custom-tailored to you, and then teach you how to choose between them, based on your priorities.
No shiny object syndrome. No “sounds great but how would it make money?” options. No more second-guessing.
You know what you want to do and why you want to do it
You know the gaps between here and there, and have an action plan to bridge those gaps
You have conviction in your choice and your ability to get there
We help you choose and start the meaningful career that’s right for you so you can have more of the life you want to live and become more of the person you want to be.
True homecoming.
Two equally important things have to come together to make your career change successful: your return to self & our strategy.
"I know exactly the career I'm meant to have."
We’ve helped clients navigate these and many more questions. We’re there to act as coach, consultant, and champion, safely ushering you into your Homecoming Career.
The level of support we offer is beyond anything else we’ve ever encountered in our industry, and that’s on purpose; that’s what it takes to get this right. Your Career Homecoming is the last career change resource you’ll ever need.
And did we mention structure, and having an actual plan to figure this out? None of those coaching sessions where you aimlessly talk about your feelings or what you wanted to do when you were a kid for an hour, leave with no direction, and think “what did I just pay for?” We work from a process that has been developed and tested for over a decade.
Many of our clients start out hopeful but skeptical because they’ve already tried so many things that haven’t worked.
Your Career Homecoming was created because Laura had the same experience. Questions like “What would you do if the money didn’t matter?” didn’t get the answers she needed. She created a thorough and effective process so that people who value meaningful work could get clarity quickly.
Most career change methodologies take a very academic approach to your career, as if you can be summed up by a list of transferable skills. We consider your whole person and how your career will contribute to the life you want to live.
This is a unicorn-free zone. While big dreams are encouraged, fantasy is not. We don’t assume that if you love something enough or work hard enough that things will work out, because life doesn’t always work like that.
While it's impossible to eliminate risk when you make a change, you don't need to be reckless. We use a checks-and-balances system to ensure that you won’t make the same mistakes you’ve made in the past or get invested in something that sounds enticing but is not actually a good fit.
You get lots of specific-to-you guidance and mentoring so you’re not left to figure everything out on your own. (What color IS your parachute?!)
The best strategy doesn’t work if you’re too afraid to implement it, so we also deal with your fears. Learning emotional resilience, how to manage uncertainty, and building confidence are integral parts of the program so you can get out of your own way.
No more basing big life decisions on a sign or what Aunt Susan thinks you’d be good at. Your Career Homecoming is so thorough and specific to you that you can’t argue with the outcomes.
Even people who have done loads of personal development work struggle when it comes to applying what they know about themselves to their career. Your Career Homecoming bridges the gap between your self-knowledge and choosing a meaningful career.
It’s amazing to finally be able to answer the question, “What am I doing with my life?” but Your Career Homecoming makes sure you have a plan on how to transition into your Homecoming Career, too.
The short-term goal of YCH is to help you discover the meaningful work that's right for you--and it does that. But should your needs or circumstances change, you'll have a process to navigate change. In short, you’re set for life.
"I had done A TON of independent research on possible careers (I had notebooks upon notebooks filled with research), tried a couple of online programs to no avail, was drowning in indecisiveness, and feeling utterly stuck.
After YCH, I no longer question my career path, and that is HUGE because I was the queen of career indecisiveness for years."
I know what it’s like to be feel lost in your career. I started this business as a response to my own career crisis, where I experienced all of the fear, confusion, and frustration that comes with the territory.
Since then I’ve helped hundreds of people choose and start the right meaningful career.
Career coaching can feel impersonal and incomplete, so finding someone who can see who you are, nurture what you're capable of, and give it to you straight feels daunting.
Here you will learn from someone with personal experience and professional expertise in career change.
I’ve found my career home. I can’t wait to help you find yours.
I know what it’s like to be feel lost in your career. I started this business as a response to my own career crisis, where I experienced all of the fear, confusion, and frustration that comes with the territory.
Since then I’ve helped hundreds of people choose and start the right meaningful career.
Career coaching can feel impersonal and incomplete, so finding someone who can see who you are, nurture what you're capable of, and give it to you straight feels daunting.
Here you will learn from someone with personal experience and professional expertise in career change.
I’ve found my career home. I can’t wait to help you find yours.
We understand that change (even good change) is scary. But your hope is a pre-requisite.
No coach, resource, strategy, or program can get results for people who do not believe that more is possible for them.
We’ve got the strategy nailed. Your part is to gather the hope it takes to accept the help.
If you’ve been wishing for someone to take you by the hand and help you figure it out, if you’ve been waiting for a sign, if you know you cannot go another month/season/year of tolerating where you are, then let’s talk.
But let’s talk once you’ve gathered your hope.
Our clients are a diverse group. You’re not expected to be a DEI expert, but you are expected to be respectful and inclusive in our spaces with word and deed.
You will receive tools, practices, structure, and accountability. You will receive high-quality coaching aligned with your values. And at the end of the day, it is up to you to ask for the support you need, do the work, and be honest about the life and career you want. We are here to support you every bit of the way.
Since 2011, this program has been built, tested, and revised with deep intention, research, and the aid of client feedback. It is explicitly designed so that someone with your challenges and values can reach your outcomes. Show up, be coachable, and take the help.
Most of our clients can’t afford to take time off and need to continue working while they discover their Homecoming Career with us. However, if you’re in an emergency financial situation that would make focusing on longer term career goals incredibly difficult right now, we suggest you wait on working with us.
It can take time to transition into a new career, so we recommend that folks in your situation build a baseline of financial stability in a career they are familiar with before trying to make a change to something new.
We’d love to explore working with you to find your IDEAL career once you’re on the other side of your emergency situation.
Capitalism, racism, sexism, ageism, ableism. These are real, systemic, oppressive factors and your life and career will be negatively affected by them. The options are 1. Give up, or 2. Try navigate these things as best as possble and use the power you do have to make positive change in your life and the world. The people we most admire choose #2. The people we work with choose #2.
If you what you read here feels aligned, then probably. But we work on an invitation only basis to ensure we only partner with people we’re confident we can help. After 14 years, we’re quite clear on who we can and can’t help.
Both. You may not know which is right for you when you get started, but you will by the time you leave.
Yes. You will work closely with Laura and the coaching team. You have the opportunity to speak directly with Laura twice a week and have unlimited access in our community platform.
Hell no ;) At the end of 8 weeks you’ll know The Thing and have The Plan, but you can implement on whatever timeline makes sense for you.
Some speedy clients have gotten a new job or worked with beta clients for their new business before graduating from the program, but that’s not typical.
In your final one-on-one call, we’ll map out action milestones in the context of what else is going on with your health, family, finances, and other considerations so you can make a safe and practical transition into your Homecoming Career.
There are a couple different pricing and payment options, and since enrollment is by invitation only we wait until we're both sure this is a good partnership before starting that conversation. Also, as part of our equity-centered practice we want the ability to learn each person's unique financial situation to try to create additional paths forward if the standard ones don't work.
If you explore working with us, we will go into much more detail about the program, process, and payment options. Some things we’re happy to share here, and some things we want to explore in relationship with you.
TL;DR: right away.
Here’s how our get-to-know-you process works:
1. We ask everyone who considers working with us to start with our free training which goes into more detail about the process and strategy we use.
2. If that resonates, you’ll be invited to schedule a free Threshold Session with one of our Client Assessment Coaches so we can learn more about your challenges and goals, and see if we might be able to help. If they’re confident that we can help they’ll invite you to a complimentary Follow Up Threshold Session, and send you off with a little prep work to do.
3. In your Follow Up Threshold Session, you’ll speak with one of our Enrollment Coaches where we’ll learn more about your challenges, help you develop a long-term vision for your career, and talk through the step-by-step strategy we would use to help you get from here to there, with clear outcomes about what success in our program looks like and the results you should expect.
4. If we mutually decide it’s a great partnership and you’re invited to join, then you can start right away without having to wait for a cohort to gather. We work on rolling enrollment, which means that you can jump in our little one room schoolhouse when you’re ready, not when our schedule dictates. Some folks choose a slightly deferred start date if they have a big life or work event they want to get past before they focus on this, but most are eager to get started right away.
If you took the armor off your heart long enough to really let yourself believe that there is a beautiful future waiting for you - and that you could be 8 weeks from finding it - how fast would you take the help to get there?