It's time for a career that feels like home. 

You're ready to discover the meaningful work that's right for you, not just keep building other people's dreams at the expense of your own.

We’re here to help you reconnect to who you are, what you have to offer, and what you’re worthy of in return. From that place of quiet confidence, use our holistic career change strategy and support to choose a career with meaning, money, and joy.

You're a seeker, leader, creative, or emerging change-maker...

You know you can make a bigger difference.

You want to feel proud of yourself.

You want to use the precious time and gifts you have. 

You've managed survival; now you're ready to thrive.

You’re ready to belong…but where?

You want to create or be part of something beautiful and significant…but what? 

You want to offer the best of your gifts…but what are they, and how?

And just as importantly, you're ready to receive in exchange for what you give. That means money, recognition, joy, and ease. 

If you only knew what you wanted to do, you wouldn’t let any obstacle get in your way.

But another month -- or worse, year -- has passed with no answers in sight. You’re ready for support. 

And not more talking in circles about your ideal day or transferable skills. You sense that only a deeper, paradigm-shifting approach will do.

You need someone who can see who you are, nurture what you're capable of, and give it to you straight.

Breathe easy, because that’s exactly what we do.

You need to come at this differently. 

Start with these pieces: 



Read the essay: Why It's So Damn Hard to Choose the Right Career

We're big on career change strategy, but we also know that application of strategy without alignment of intent fails. 

That's why your mindset around work - checking your biases, conditioning, and beliefs - is an essential element to choosing and sticking with a meaningful career. 

Four Mindset Shifts for Meaningful Work

This essay will help you process the feelings you’ve been having about not being able to choose the right career. And: it will direct the desire you have to choose a career that honors you as a whole person.

explore the program

If you know that now is the time for you to make an intentional career choice, learn more about how our program addresses often-ignored career change necessities and what we can accomplish together. 

The Your Career Homecoming Program

RSVP for the free training

(even when assessments, career coaching, or therapy haven't worked)

Our most valuable free training is for people who want to do meaningful work but have realized that conventional wisdom leads to conventional, unsatisfying options.

The 5 Keys My Clients Use to Discover Their Meaningful Careers 

Or, dive deeper: 

As Seen In: U.S. News & World Report, Business Insider, Yahoo News, Psychology Today

I stopped trying to follow my passion. I stopped reading “expert” articles on where the next big opportunity in the market would be. Instead, I focused on me as a person and how I connect to the world around me. This purpose-first approach that centered around meaning, connection, contribution, identity, and being of service to others helped me find my way to work I loved and supported me. 

Discovering my right meaningful work has been life-changing. I wake up excited knowing that my work makes a difference and I get to work with people I admire. It’s allowed us to move closer to family so our kiddo could grow up with stronger family relationships. My works is a source of energy rather than depletion, and most days I have energy in the tank after work to walk, play, read, putter in the yard, or simply relax without anxiety. 

Since 2011, I’ve helped hundreds of people use my unconventional approach to discover their own meaningful work. 

It’s very exciting when they land on the career that will bring them meaning, money, and joy. But my favorite part is the larger return to self that they experience: feeling more like themselves, being excited for their future, re-engaging with their creative work, going for what they want with audacity, and experiencing more day to day vibrancy. None of which would be possible with a surface-level resume refresh. 

You know you’re made for more. No more “good enough.” This is the time to stop being a cog in a machine you don’t even care about…and find a career that feels like home.

You have a resume, but you also have a biography. 

If you want work that’s a natural extension of who you are, then you have to start with who you are, not just what you’ve learned, who you’ve pleased, or how you’ve earned. 

With meaningful work you come home to yourself, then your new career. 

When I had my own career crisis and was trying to figure out what was next, I kept running into insurmountable obstacles. The things I loved didn’t make money. The things I thought I could make money at made me wilt. With a BA in history, MFA in acting, and a resume of temp jobs, there was no obvious path forward. 

After many months of existential frustration, I had a genuine lightbulb moment. A phrase went through my head like an airplane flying a banner across the sky:

“What if it’s less about WHAT you do and more about WHY you do it?”

Hi, I'm Laura Simms

Meet the founder:

too many passions, no passions, jack of all trades, pigeon-holed, good at lots of things, don't know my gifts, too many ideas, zero ideas, golden handcuffs


seekers, creatives, behind-the-scenes do-ers, leaders, cycle breakers, healers, innovators, make-shit-happen believers in a better world 


"I no longer question my career path, and that is HUGE because I was the queen of career indecisiveness for years."


clients say


“I now have three things I never in my wildest dreams could’ve imagined: clarity, confidence, and direction.”

clients say


"Now there’s no more second guessing or questioning. YCH builds a solid foundation ­so you can’t argue with the outcomes!"

clients say


"I declared my Homecoming Career with the confidence of knowing this wasn't just a phase; this was home."

clients say


"I can definitely name what I’m looking for and what would TRULY make my heart sing."

clients say


"Now I not only know Homecoming Career, but I'm pursuing it with confidence."

clients say

What will you come home to?

Watch the free training

Start your homecoming story.