Discover the meaningful work that's right for you. Finally.

Pride in your work. Energy for your life. An income that supports your dreams. Soul satisfaction. All from one career?

It's time you had a career that feels like home.

I help people who are going in circles trying to choose a meaningful career get on a clear and practical path in as few as 8 weeks. 

When I was in my own career crisis, I would have thought this sounded too good to be true, but my clients are proving it's possible every day. I can’t wait to show you what’s possible for you. 

Hi. I'm Laura Simms.


"I no longer question my career path, and that is HUGE because I was the queen of career indecisiveness for years."


“I now have three things I never in my wildest dreams could’ve imagined: clarity, confidence, and direction.”


"Now there’s no more second guessing or questioning. YCH builds a solid foundation ­so you can’t argue with the outcomes!"


"I declared my Homecoming Career with the confidence of knowing this wasn't just a phase; this was home."


"I can definitely name what I’m looking for and what would TRULY make my heart sing."


"Now I not only know Homecoming Career, but I'm pursuing it with confidence."


what clients say

Most career coaching resources just don't work.
You may learn interesting stuff about yourself, but if you don't know how to apply it towards making a clear and definite career choice, then you've done personal development work, not effective career strategy. 

Your Career Homecoming was created to be a results-oriented process and support system for people who are ready to name and claim their meaningful career. 

Your career influences your income and life options, your health, your ability to contribute, and your sense of self. That's too important to leave to chance. 

Your Career Homecoming is here to make sure you get it right. 

A recent Gallup poll found that only 13% of Americans* say that their work is meaningful. If you want to beat the odds, you're gonna need a massive strategy upgrade. 


*Not American? You're welcome here, too! Some of our most beloved clients have come from places like Spain, China, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Kuwait.

You want to change careers in a practical and responsible way 

You're ready to be more committed to your dreams than to your fears

You're ready to have a career that feels like home

You're no longer willing to sacrifice your health or happiness for your job

You've already made a good faith effort to figure this out on your own but it's just not working

You're coachable and have a growth mindset

If that's you, watch our career change masterclass.

In just 40 minutes, you'll learn the exact process our clients are using to confidently claim their meaningful careers. 

is this for you?

Start the free training 

The YCH method is designed for a particular kind of person.

You want your work to make a difference that you can feel, not just on paper

You're not after a hobby; you want an actual career that can fund your life

You want your work to challenge you, but not drain you

Let's see if you're a good candidate.

What will you come home to?

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Career advice you haven't heard, guaranteed. Learn how to discover the meaningful work  that's right for you.
