“There’s nothing I’d change about Your Career Homecoming. This program is a lifeboat!”

I took a part-time corporate support job at a law firm in New York City. I had both an income and time and energy to write, and I felt incredibly lucky.

Eventually, the balance between my law firm job and the creative energies that had served me so well for the past two years shifted. I felt like I was trapped in all-work-but-no-play mode, and this made me anxious and frustrated, but I wasn’t sure how to repair things.

Now I feel freshly committed to writing and am both more aware and adept and more realistic about balancing the writing part of writing, the business part of writing, and paid work, and I’m able to be more open-minded, creative, and versatile about brainstorming ways that I can tip this balance by seeking out paid work that is more creative and by seeking out ways of getting paid for my writing in addition to trying to sell my novel. YCH also gave me a big booster shot of patience with my current job, and I don’t feel trapped in that job anymore. I feel level-headed and autonomous.

There’s nothing I’d change about Your Career Homecoming. This program is a lifeboat!

Miriam Lawrence

Your Career Homecoming Review

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