“I’ve quit my job. I’m solidly on my new career path, and, much more important for me personally, I know WHY I want what I want.”

I had been working in the financial industry for about 10 years, which was about 9 years too long. I knew from the beginning that it wasn’t my thing, but I just didn’t know what my thing was! After trying to figure out my next career move on my own for, oh, 3 years (not exaggerating), I knew I needed help.

There have been such big changes for me in the past few months! I’ve quit my job. I’m solidly on my new career path, and, much more important for me personally, I know WHY I want what I want, and am confident of the direction in which I’m headed.

That whole grounded, HOMECOMING feeling took me a while to wrap my head around, but once I figured it out everything fell into place. It really has been life-changing.

Stephanie Cleary

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