See how people like you have started meaningful careers with the help of Your Career Homecoming

Homecoming Stories

I now have three things I never in my wildest dreams could’ve imagined: clarity, confidence, and direction.


-  Nicole Nguyen

To see over 80 full-length case studies, visit this page via desktop. 

I have a clear and unapologetic understanding of my Homecoming Career.


To see over 80 full-length case studies, visit this page via desktop. 

For the first time in my life, I'm excited to work.

start your business

To see over 80 full-length case studies, visit this page via desktop. 

I'm finally getting off the hamster wheel of corporate America!

make a difference

To see over 80 full-length case studies, visit this page via desktop. 

I got more out of these eight weeks than I received in two years of therapy. 

find purpose

To see over 80 full-length case studies, visit this page via desktop. 

I can definitely name what I’m looking for and what would TRULY make my heart sing.

find purpose

To see over 80 full-length case studies, visit this page via desktop. 

I no longer question my career path, and that is HUGE because I was the queen of career indecisiveness for years. 

find purpose

To see over 80 full-length case studies, visit this page via desktop. 

I’ve quit my job. I’m solidly on my new career path, and, much more important for me personally, I know WHY I want what I want.

quit with a plan

To see over 80 full-length case studies, visit this page via desktop. 

I am so glad I made this investment in myself. 

practical plan

To see over 80 full-length case studies, visit this page via desktop. 

Knowing that my calling can make a difference for people I admire is amazing.

make a difference

To see over 80 full-length case studies, visit this page via desktop. 

This is the single most effective career transformation I've ever experienced or seen. 

Change Your Life

To see over 80 full-length case studies, visit this page via desktop. 

I have a clear and unapologetic understanding of my Homecoming Career.

clarity & Confidence

I now have three things I never in my wildest dreams could’ve imagined: clarity, confidence, and direction.


This is the single most effective career transformation I've ever experienced or seen. 


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This is the single most effective career transformation I've ever experienced or seen. 

Change Your Life

I don't know many people who have done more personal development work than I have. I'm an addict. And I've even taught personal development workshops. This is the single most effective career transformation I've ever experienced or seen. There is something alchemical about the magic of Your Career Homecoming. If you are really ready for a transformation, this is so much more than an "online class." It’s an experience that is transformative and supportive, and for me, it really, really worked.

In my first call with Laura, she said, "I'm not a leap and the net will appear kind of a person, I'm a 'how fast can we build the net' kind of person." And I knew this was the right step for me at that time. Granted, I had to build the net really really fast, I got fired halfway through the program! But I am SO glad I took the leap, I am a much more resilient, innovative, happy person on this side of that decision.

- clare

I now have three things I never in my wildest dreams could’ve imagined: clarity, confidence, and direction.


Before YCH, I felt like I was losing sight of who I was. YCH seemed like the real deal. No flowery language, no crazy promises. I decided I was ready to do the work and finally talk to someone who understood what I was going through.

I’ll be honest – I didn’t expect my life to change after YCH. I now have three things I never in my wildest dreams could’ve imagined: clarity, confidence, and direction.

I no longer feel that sense of dread when I think about work. I actually wake up everyday excited to work on my Homecoming Career. The happiness I feel has inched its way to other areas of my life and for that, I am grateful.

As someone with I-have-too-many-interests syndrome, YCH has been invaluable in helping to ground me and figure out what to focus on. The best thing that I’ve gotten from YCH is action. I made a solid and responsible plan for leaving my job. I didn’t wait for permission, more education, the right time, or more money to start working towards my Homecoming Career.

I am happy to share that a couple weeks after YCH ended, I officially transitioned from my tech job into my new role as a floral design assistant, the first stop on my path towards becoming an event designer. I owe YCH for helping me find purpose for doing this work and giving me the tools I need to make my next leaps forward.

-  Nicole Nguyen

I have a clear and unapologetic understanding of my Homecoming Career.


I had quit my job due to burnout but didn't know what I could do next. I was totally disconnected with myself and had no idea how to move forward. I had tried traditional career counseling and felt discouraged from the results.

I'm happy to say that I now have a clear and unapologetic understanding of my Homecoming Career. I can say what I'm looking for and feel confident that finally, I'm moving in the right direction. I've also gained back some confidence that I'd lost. I know that it will take a lot of work to get where I want to go. But for once, I'm no longer questioning what my bigger career roadmap is. I feel like I'm actually working towards something, instead of just spinning my wheels!

- Larissa

YCH made me confident that I wasn’t making an impulsive decision.

Love your work

I know exactly the career I'm meant to have.


I am clear on who I am, what I am capable of, and what I want in my career.


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I am clear on who I am, what I am capable of, and what I want in my career.

clarity + confidence

I thought it might be time to pursue a different career, but I had no idea what career to aim for, let alone how to begin exploring career options. I was lost, frustrated, and depressed.

When I came across Your Career Homecoming, I knew it was different because of Laura's message that there's a fundamental flaw to "follow your passion." I had spent so many years trying to find out what my passion was (and feeling stuck), that this message made complete sense to me.

Because of the program, I am clear on who I am, what I am capable of, and what I want in my career.

I went into Your Career Homecoming with confidence that it could help my career, but I had no idea that YCH could affect my entire life! Since working on the program, I am calmer and more mindful. I am excited about my future.

- ye lee

YCH made me confident that I wasn’t making an impulsive decision.

love your work

I was going in circles. I knew I wasn’t aligned or fulfilled in my current line of work, so I was thinking up possible other career paths and then constantly second guessing myself ­- would that REALLY make me happy? What if that ends up being a worse situation than the one I’m in now? Which would then lead to me shutting ideas down altogether: I probably can’t make money doing that; I probably don’t have the right experience for that; I should just stay where it’s safe. Basically, career change was on my mind constantly, but I was making zero traction.

Now there’s no more second guessing or questioning. YCH builds a solid foundation ­so you can’t argue with the outcomes! It’s based on my core values, interests and skills ­- and every option is put through a feasibility/practicality filter. So when I landed on final options, I KNEW they would make me happy, and I KNEW they were feasible. Bye-bye excuses and second guessing!

It wasn’t realistic for me to up and quit my job without a transitional plan. YCH made me confident that I wasn’t making an impulsive decision, but rather creating a mid­-to­-long-term plan for my career. It felt realistic and attainable, and a huge leap all at the same time. But because of the YCH structure, I felt what I was doing was sensible.

UPDATE: I have just accepted an offer for my “transitional” career ­- an exciting entrepreneurial venture ­- and I will be leaving my 10-­year long career in finance. I’ll also be formally launching and building my coaching practice on the side!

- stephanie

I know exactly the career I'm meant to have.

practical plan

When I tried to figure out my next move and new path, I got swept up in the whirlpool of my own thoughts and fears and other people's opinions. I felt I was moving sideways instead of forward. I knew I needed to make a change before yet another year passed of wandering in this wilderness. I didn't want to live half a life anymore. I needed a change.

By the end of my initial conversation with Laura, she got me and nailed her assessment of my situation. I knew I had found the right person at the right time.

By the end of the program, I had ownership of my new career. It was a career I always had in mind but I only yearned for it without having a plan to move towards it. I had always thought it was destined to remain a fantasy. Today I'm making solid steps in that direction and whenever I feel the grip of fear or insecurity, I pull out all my program notes. There in my own handwriting are all the reasons I need a change, why I chose this career, and how I already have the skills to pursue it.

I know exactly the career I'm meant to have. I've broken away from the guilt of leaving a career that pays well but holds no fulfillment. I'm so much happier knowing that I now have a different career story to write.

- steph

I know what type of career works for me.

find purpose

I'm finally getting off the hamster wheel of corporate America!

Make a Difference

When YCH crossed my path, I took a deep breath and grabbed hold. Best decision I could have made.

clarity + confidence

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When YCH crossed my path, I took a deep breath and grabbed hold. Best decision I could have made.

clarity + confidence

I was losing hope. I had been for a long time. Frustration with my job had me snapping at coworkers. I nearly quit and walked out on more than one occasion. I was using paid time off every week as a way to cope and was coming in later and later in the morning. I needed to change jobs but didn't know where to go next or how to make a better choice.

In other words - I was a mess. I needed clarity to make decisions, didn't have it, and had no idea where to find it. DIY hadn't worked well in the past. I needed help to see what I was missing. 

When YCH crossed my path, I took a deep breath and grabbed hold. Best decision I could have made.

I understand the "unifying principle of me" for the first time in my life, an understanding of myself that I have wanted for decades. I understand what service I provide to the world. I know how to talk about what I do and what I have to offer without being pigeon-holed or losing my curiosity about what’s around the next corner.

The clarity YCH has given me brought joy, laughter, and delight back into my life. It also gave me wings and the courage to use them. Most importantly - I have No More Excuses. I have the direction, tools, and a support system I trust to help me make the change I need.

- kay

I'm finally getting off the hamster wheel of corporate America!

make a difference

I have basically never felt sure in my career and I knew I needed to dedicate some time and effort to figuring out a better way to use my skills to make a difference in the world. 

I was burnt out and scared and didn't feel like I had the tools to make a real change. I wanted a structured way of thinking about my skillset and my desired life and how to actually make that come together, which is what YCH gave me.

Now I am so excited to create a business that will use my skills to make a difference in the world. Because of Your Career Homecoming, I'm grounded in where I'm going and I'm finally getting off the hamster wheel of corporate America!

- robin

I know what type of career works for me.

Find Purpose

I was unsure of what I wanted to do next in my career. My current government job no longer fit with the person I'm evolving into. I had some ideas of what I might like but I lacked confidence in the viability of my thoughts and I had a lot of mental roadblocks that were preventing me from digging deep and unearthing a good career fit.

Now I feel great. I know what type of career works for me. I have more confidence in communicating and pursuing the career that I want, and feel so energized to put my transition plan in place.

- janai brown

I got more out of these eight weeks than I received in two years of therapy. 

find purpose

I can definitely name what I’m looking for and what would TRULY make my heart sing.


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I can definitely name what I’m looking for and what would TRULY make my heart sing.

find purpose

I was starting to feel (again) like the career I am in is just not what I’m really meant for. I can do it, sure. I can even be satisfied with doing it some days. But do I feel fulfilled by it? Not by a long shot. Not ever. That eats me up a little bit inside.

I learned so much about myself through this process (which, I have to tell you, shocked me right down to my toes! I have done so much ‘inner work’ over the years that I did not believe I’d learn much of anything new about myself through this program. I was wrong.). This must be the single most thorough and well-thought-out program I’ve ever taken, and I’ve taken a LOT through the years!

Now, I can definitely name what I’m looking for and what would TRULY make my heart sing. That’s pretty exciting for someone who’s spent the last 20+ years feeling like nothing was right; nothing was good enough & I was just wasting my days away. I feel relieved.

- angel

I got more out of these eight weeks than I received in two years of therapy. 

find purpose

Honestly, I was skeptical that this would work for me for the first few weeks of YCH.

At first, I kept showing up because of the financial investment, but by the end, I was doing this for me--the me that I wanted to be and the me that I was becoming. I was being held accountable by Laura and by my peers. I didn't want to let anyone down (myself included), and the program was not going to let me get off the hook. 

I also was hesitant about the cohort model, but in the end that really made this program for me. The support was what I needed to push on and not give up. Your spouse, partner, family aren't going through YCH---they may not even be stuck or understand why you're stuck but this group does...Laura does.

Laura called me on my bullshit and provided support when needed. I didn't know what to expect but I got more than I expected. I have no regrets and am so glad that I did this. I would recommend this program to anyone who I thought was ready and who I thought would be committed.

I got more out of these eight weeks than I received in two years of therapy. I actually have a path that I believe in. I know that it will take time for me to get where I'm going, but I can see the destination and I know I can do it.

- ryan

Your Career Homecoming helped me find my way to a home that I always had within me.

It’s not that I suddenly became something; it’s that I found something within myself that I’d overlooked before. 

start your business

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Your Career Homecoming helped me find my way to a home that I always had within me. It’s not that I suddenly became something; it’s that I found something within myself that I’d overlooked before. 

start your business

Before Your Career Homecoming, I was floundering. I’d hit a wall at my administrative job and was scrambling to find a way out. I felt absolute despair at the thought of being stuck here, or, maybe worse, of finding another job exactly like this…and another after that.

Thanks to YCH, I know what business I’m going to start! I know that I’m going to start a business! Can you feel how huge that is for me?! At the start of this program, I had NO idea whatsoever that, months later, I’d find myself on a journey to become a solopreneur. It wasn’t even remotely on my radar. Once it emerged toward the end of the program, I flipped back through my YCH pages, all the way from the beginning, and reread all of my writing and musing about who I am and what’s important to me and what I want to be known for…and sure enough, it was there all along. What a gift!

Your Career Homecoming helped me find my way to a home that I always had within me. It’s not that I suddenly became something; it’s that I found something within myself that I’d overlooked before. I had no idea that I truly could get paid for being me.

UPDATE: I quit! I quit the office job and am working exclusively on building my new business over the next couple weeks. Next month my beau and I are embarking on The Adventure of a Lifetime — traveling by RV all over the U.S. until we find Home. It’s wild to me that you’ve only known me as this whirlwind woman because, I swear, I’m. not. usually. like. this. I don’t typically leap. Ever. But, in the past year, so many things have felt either so not right or so right, and it’s been wonderfully easy for me to tell the difference. Decisions I might’ve agonized over previously are now no-brainers. I attribute some of this to learning so dang much about myself through YCH.

- helen McLaughlin

I'm the architect of my career, and I'm grounded in my own agency.

Start your business

I know what type of work makes me happy and is sustainable versus just what I can do to make the most money.

change your life

From participating in this program, I now know I actually have value and service to offer the world.

find purpose

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From participating in this program, I now know I actually have value and service to offer the world.

find purpose

I felt so hopeless when it came to my career because I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do. I also felt like no one could ever need or want what I really have to offer.

Through my own hard work and the support of Laura and the others in this group, I now have a guiding compass. I have a long-term vision for my career, and I have a plan for taking small steps to get there.

I’ve also started writing again, which has been a long-time strength, inner-growth tool, and source of enjoyment that I had really forgotten and neglected. I have reconnected with my own intuition, and I am actually following it more often than not instead of constantly doubting myself. From participating in this program, I now know I actually have value and service to offer the world.

-jayne anne

I know what type of work makes me happy and is sustainable versus just what I can do to make the most money.

change your life

I was bored out of my mind at work with a high stress level. I felt drain, burned out, lacking in creativity and options. I knew I could not keep doing what I was doing and so I stopped; I took a big break. While the big break has been awesome I wanted some ideas about what to do next.

I knew a traditional type of career counselor was not going to help me because they tend to do an outside in type of process – see what is in the world and how I could fit it, and what I wanted and needed was an inside out approach. I needed to understand more about me and see only then, what in the world might fit or what I could create from my strengths and joys. I am glad I did!

Now I feel like I have the knowledge and tools to set myself up well professionally and avoid burn out much more effectively. I know what type of work makes me happy and is sustainable versus just what I can do to make the most money. I feel like once I decide to return to the work force I can and will do it on my own terms.

- annie

I'm the architect of my career, and I'm grounded in my own agency.

start your business

So many of my jobs, even my self-employment, were choices made based on what other people needed or expected from me. 

Through Your Career Homecoming, I discovered the all-important thread that weaves my eclectic body of work together and that's not only key to being able to move ahead with confidence, it's SUCH A RELIEF!!

Now, I get to play and implement that in as many creative ways as I choose. I'm the architect of my career, and I'm grounded in my own agency.

- Tracie nichols

For the first time in my life, I'm excited to work.

start your business

I have confidence that I'll get there, and that's something I've never had.

make a difference

I feel like what I want is materializing in front of my eyes. Not to be trite, but it feels a bit miraculous.

love your work

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I feel like what I want is materializing in front of my eyes. Not to be trite, but it feels a bit miraculous.

love your work

I was bored with the business I’d started 5 years back. I didn’t want to do it anymore — but I didn’t know what might be next … or, rather, I had a few ideas, but didn’t have the courage to go for it.

I’ve gotten very clear about what I want and have organized my life around getting it. Being a journalist doesn’t feel like a pipe-dream anymore; it feels like it’s inevitable at this point. Almost like what I was always meant to do, I just didn’t quite know it before. I’m happy in a way I haven’t been for a long time. I feel like what I want is materializing in front of my eyes. Not to be trite, but it feels a bit miraculous.

UPDATE: Today I had the first of two interviews with an American Public Media show— and was thanking my lucky stars for the work we did together. Those "Tell me what you bring to the table" and "Why are you the best person for this position?" questions felt so simple. I hope the job is mine. I know I could rock it. Regardless, I feel great to have made it to the final 5 of 300+ applicants.

Anyways, I’m reaching out to say thank you, again. I don’t think I would’ve found my way here without your support. Sure, there’s plenty of hustle and tears and sleep deprivation ahead, but it feels good. I’m inhabiting a kind of confidence I’ve never experienced before. It feels right. And Your Career Homecoming helped me get here.

SECOND UPDATE: I’m so excited to announce that I am joining the brilliant team at North Country Public Radio in Canton, New York as a Digital Content Producer. These folks and this station are everything I’ve been hoping and searching for.

- brit

I have confidence that I'll get there, and that's something I've never had.

make a difference

Before I found Your Career Homecoming, I was confused about what I wanted to do with my life. I kept waffling on my decisions around a career change, which made me feel unfocused and like I didn't have a purpose. I was sick of wasting time trying to make a decision on my own, so when I found Your Career Homecoming, I was hopeful that it would help me end the back-and-forth in my head.

After working with Laura, I've made the decision that I want to be a coach—hands down. I'm focused now on creating the life I want and I've already started to show up as a coach. And because I'm committed, I know I'm not going to bail out on my dreams. I have confidence that I'll get there, and that's something I've never had.

- stacie

For the first time in my life, I'm excited to work.

start your business

When I found Your Career Homecoming, I had been miserably hopping from job to job, trying to figure out the career that would make me happy. I knew that to find a job I loved, it would have to give me the opportunity to help others and make a difference in their lives, while also having financial success. But what was that thing?!

Now I not only know Homecoming Career, but I'm pursuing it with confidence. I started my business and I'm loving it! For the first time in my life, I'm excited to work. My passion is not running out. I'm THRIVING.

- alexandria Thibodeaux

When people used to ask me what I do, I would kind of groan. Now I feel happy to answer that question. I care, and I like what I do.

Love your work

I don't say this often, but you are a game-changer. You are a life-changer.

make a difference

Doing this program helped me come up with concrete, realistic career ideas that fit me.

quit with a plan

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Doing this program helped me come up with concrete, realistic career ideas that fit me.

quit with a plan

While I was successful in terms of external factors (promotions, people being pleased with my work), I was really unhappy and it was draining me. I had come to realize that the field I was in was not a good fit for me. I wanted a job that I enjoyed, and that supported my life rather than detracted from it.

Before YCH, I felt like the kind of work that I was good at was work that I didn’t enjoy. I had a swirl of ideas about what I was interested in, but all of my ideas felt impractical. I was really stuck. I longed for something that was a better fit, but felt like having that was unlikely and unrealistic.

Doing this program helped me come up with concrete, realistic career ideas that fit me. I quit my draining job. I started taking better care of myself. I feel like I now have a clear, practical path and am on my way to a career that I am excited about.

- kathryn

I don't say this often, but you are a game-changer. You are a life-changer.

make a difference

I felt stuck, at my job and outside of work. I kept thinking, "Is this it? This is what it is going to be for the rest of my life?" I was giving 150% to a job that wasn't giving anything back to me except a paycheck. I felt drained and depressed. I didn't want to get out of bed and go to work every day. I would cry on Sunday evenings. I knew I had to make a change or I would be sad, bitter, and frustrated for the rest of my life. I didn't want to live that way anymore.

We can celebrate you rescuing me. That's what it feels like. I have a healthier mindset. I know what I want. I know I'm not going to settle anymore. I have tools and my courage back to make my dreams and plans a reality because of this program.

The meaningful work I am starting to do doesn't leave me drained. It amps me up! I can't wait to start putting it into action and actually help real people. Knowing that I have found meaningful work where I can encourage, empower, support, and work in service to others feels so exciting.

The universe presents people when you need them. You walked this path with me and I found something that is a spark and an amazing career. I don't say this often, but you are a game-changer. You are a life-changer.


When people used to ask me what I do, I would kind of groan. Now I feel happy to answer that question. I care, and I like what I do.

love your work

My biggest problem in my career was not feeling challenged enough and not feeling like I was growing or learning as much as I wanted, and just feeling underutilized. And at work that was obviously difficult because I didn’t feel satisfied. And then when it got really bad, it followed me around after work. I was just too tired to want to do anything else because the day was such an energy suck.

When your confidence is shaken, you feel like you can’t find or don’t deserve something different. But I did the Your Career Homecoming work and turned the corner.

Now that I have my new job, I get excited to go to work. Haha! It’s a weird feeling! I feel like I have literally learned something new every day. My self-pride and confidence is up. When people used to ask me what I do, I would kind of groan. Now I feel happy to answer that question. I care, and I like what I do.

I feel like it’s spurring me to make other changes in my life. I’m moving into a new apartment in a new part of town that I’m excited about. I’m taking fun workout classes. I’m finding joy again.

- kathleen

This breakthrough allowed me to declare my Homecoming Career with the confidence of knowing this wasn't just a phase; this was home.

Love Your Work

I left my government day job.

Make a Difference

I have the name of what career I want, the confidence to pursue it, and the surety that this choice is right for me because it is backed up by data.

make a difference

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I have the name of what career I want, the confidence to pursue it, and the surety that this choice is right for me because it is backed up by data.

make a difference

I was so stuck. I knew I wanted a new job but I didn't know what kind of job. I know I'm an intelligent individual and I can learn just about anything when I try, so I struggled with what to dedicate myself to. Should I learn to write Python code? Sell insurance? Get certified in Google Analytics? There seemed to be too many possibilities to narrow down. And everything that I was looking at seemed like I had to sacrifice something inherent to my sense of self to do it. I was so down on myself before--thinking that there was something wrong with ME for being unable to find a career and subsequently, a place for myself in the world. 

But through completing YCH and lots and LOTS of resilience work, I was able to find a renewed sense of self and I am more confident than ever that I am VALUABLE and I have something to offer the world.

Call me optimistic, excited, hopeful, delighted, and content. I have the name of what career I want, the confidence to pursue it, and the surety that this choice is right for me because it is backed up by data.

- katie

I left my government day job.

Make a Difference

Before, I felt a bit like a failure; I was at a point where I knew I wanted a plan to leave my day job, but was unsure of the exact direction. I now have clear direction on my path, I have a plan on when to leave my day job, and I have the clarity and confidence to move forward in a direction that feels right to me.

UPDATE: July 11 is the date I left my government day job – TWO years ago! Time flies when you are having fun. And I’m having a lot of it, thanks in big part to Laura and YCH. The work I did with her not only brought me back to myself, but helped define my work’s purpose: to help people create a foundation – a sanctuary – for themselves through their home. Two years ago I was in a beige cubicle no longer feeling like I was making a difference in my job. I’ve since created my own cubicle-free job, and today, I create programs and resources to help people create a home they love, that inspires them to live the life they want. It makes me jump for joy to be able to say that. Laura – you do really good work…so we can also do really good work. Thank you.

- tania Wojciechowski

This breakthrough allowed me to declare my Homecoming Career with the confidence of knowing this wasn't just a phase; this was home.

Love Your Work

I had a deep call to do something great and many different ideas, but I didn't know how to channel the overflow of creativity. I wanted to change, I was ready to do the work, and maternity leave was the perfect time for that. I knew I needed someone to help me organize my thoughts, and Your Career Homecoming felt authentic.

In all my previous career change journaling, I was regularly looking for signs...signs of certainty. What happened at Your Career Homecoming was exactly that!! I gained certainty in who I truly am and what I truly want. This breakthrough allowed me to declare my Homecoming Career with the confidence of knowing this wasn't just a phase; this was home.

It's my voice that led me to this career, and I feel empowered, committed, limitless, motivated and contagious!

- pia

I have a very clear idea of what it is I want to do, I have a written plan for how to do it, and I've already started a beta version.

practical plan

I no longer question my career path, and that is HUGE because I was the queen of career indecisiveness for years. 

find purpose

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I no longer question my career path, and that is HUGE because I was the queen of career indecisiveness for years. 

find purpose

I had always wanted to start my own business, but then I graduated college at the height of the recession and grabbed the first admin job I could get at a local university. Somehow, years later, I found myself still stuck in administration. I had done A TON of independent research on possible careers (I had notebooks upon notebooks filled with research), tried a couple of online programs to no avail, was drowning in indecisiveness, and feeling utterly stuck. 

I had followed Laura for awhile and always had the idea of trying Your Career Homecoming, but it wasn't until I hit "career rock-bottom" (i.e. feeling genuinely depressed most days and hating 5 out of 7 days in the week) that I finally decided to invest in myself and enroll in YCH.

I recognized how comprehensive and systematic the program truly was and how YCH is a true "fluff-free" zone. You won't hear, "Follow your passion, and the money will come" with Laura or her program, and I LOVED that. YCH allows each person to create a truly comprehensive, personalized filter, and this filter is rooted in real life, practical terms, which was a huge factor in my decision.

Also, you are so not alone in YCH. Laura is a mentor, oracle of career wisdom and knowledge, and an incredible guide throughout each step of the process. I had done other online career programs on my own, and because of my past experiences, I recognized the serious value in having a guide to walk with you.

I no longer question my career path, and that is HUGE because I was the queen of career indecisiveness for years. And I did not land on this new path on a random whim; I have a massive binder of cold, hard, personalized evidence on why I chose this new career, and that's an incredible, beautiful thing. I'm also far more optimistic because I know that my current admin "day job" is not my "forever job" anymore. Also, as a remarkable residual benefit of YCH, I'm far more attuned to my daily resilience and self-care needs and practices.

Finally, after years of going back and forth, I know which type of business I'm going to start! I'm confident and excited for this new upcoming chapter. I landed on my most immediate goals over the next three months, which will serve to bridge the gap between where I am now to the type of business owner I desire to be.

- toni

I have a very clear idea of what it is I want to do, I have a written plan for how to do it, and I've already started a beta version.

practical plan

My career was just wringing the life out of me, mentally, physically, and emotionally. For years I had so many ideas in my head of what I could do, and for a time I'd feel like I knew the answer. But days later, I'd have that cloud of doubt come back over me. For years and years I have run in circles in my head. I was in a desperate need to find some clarity in how to move forward.

I was always attracted to the down-to-earthiness of what Laura had to say. There was none of this crazy "follow your passion and you'll earn millions in 6 weeks" posture and attitude.

Because of Your Career Homecoming, I have a very clear idea of what it is I want to do, I have a written plan for how to do it, and I've already started a beta version.

And so I'm just really excited about it. I know it's not going to be quick or even easy, but the path to get there is just exciting in and of itself. And it just feels like that essence of unnecessary struggle has disappeared, and the grinding I felt before is just not part of the equation anymore and that just feels so much better.

I learned that it's not just about checking off a tick-box of what jobs you can do. It’s really about the YCH approach to what work and contribution are and having that foundation underneath that changes what's possible for you, and so it's worth it for that alone. If you do the work, you'll uncover something that you didn't realize was there but was within you all along.

- HH

Knowing that my calling can make a difference for people I admire is amazing.

Make a Difference

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Knowing that my calling can make a difference for people I admire is amazing.

make a difference

I was almost a year into my latest position in higher education development when I finally accepted the realization that while I was good at what I did, I wasn’t passionate about it. 

I was playing safe and needed a program that could help guide a change.

I knew it was going to be hard to balance YCH with a full-time job, raising 3 kids, being a supportive wife and completing my first full marathon, but the program was a no-brainer so I went for it.

Now I know what business I’m going to start, and I’m definitely more confident – and proud – because I am aware of what I really want and the type of legacy I want to leave. Even though I’m still employed in higher ed for now, YCH extended greater confidence in my job.

I’m taking bigger steps than I ever have before. I walking down the path that I’m creating as a result of the YCH work. There is no denying the path will require time and effort but I’m committed to following it.

- aimee


My career change is now a very exciting place to be in as opposed to being the daunting place it had been before.

Your Career Homecoming has helped me lift a huge burden in my life.

I know what kind of change I want to make, and I've got the skills to help me get there.

change your life


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I know what kind of change I want to make, and I've got the skills to help me get there.


It wasn't bad enough for me to leave, but it wasn't fulfilling and I'd lost a lot of motivation. I was lost when I thought about which direction I wanted to go.

I'd seen some of Laura's work and felt that her approach matched my philosophy. I was walking to work when I found out Your Career Homecoming opened up, so I stepped to the side and filled out the application right there on my phone.

YCH helped by breaking down the big questions into smaller, less scary ones.
Instead of churning over "What do you want to do for the rest of your life?," YCH gave me the framework and support to really examine what I can do, what I like to do, and what impact I want to make.

I'm much more confident about my skills and strengths, and how useful I can be to others. Instead of a vague idea of needing "a change,” I know what kind of change I want to make, and I've got the skills to help me get there.


Your Career Homecoming has helped me lift a huge burden in my life.

change your life

Over the course of about 12 years, I felt like I had "tried it all" to find meaningful work, but was still spinning my wheels. In fact, instead of getting closer finding work that fulfilled me, I felt stuck in a career path that was becoming toxic. I was at a loss on how to move forward and that feeling of being in limbo or treading water was so unsettling.

I've always been a very self aware and analytical person, but since working on my Homecoming Career with the support and guidance of both Laura and the others in the group it feels like I am seeing myself much more clearly.

Through the program, I identified a career path that I had previously discounted because I thought the learning curve was just too great and it would take me too long to learn the skills needed to become gainfully employed. Well, the learning curve (or my perceived learning curve) hasn't changed, but now I the have tools to overcome obstacles (real or imagined) to head down this path that feels authentic. Your Career Homecoming has helped me lift a huge burden in my life.

- ann

My career change is now a very exciting place to be in as opposed to being the daunting place it had been before.


I was in the midst of a career transition; I had done some training in life and equine-facilitated wellness coaching but was at a complete standstill on how to go forward. 

I lost faith in the choices I had made for transitioning and had lost confidence in my capacity to build a new career. I realized that I needed structured help to understand why I had ended up in this stagnation and what I could do to move from it.

When I decided to take the plunge into Your Career Homecoming, immediately I felt a huge sigh of relief from deep inside and knew that I had come "home" to the right place for me.

I can now recognize and face the fears and vulnerability that career change creates. I have a stronger vision for the future that feels truly aligned on who I am, my values, and how I wish to contribute. I feel supported by Laura and by the community of Homecomers and feel that I can call on them for ideas, feedback, and simple positive presence.

I know what I wish to do, why I wish to do it, and how I will do it. I am energized, more confident, able to face challenges with greater clarity and purpose. My career change is now a very exciting place to be in as opposed to being the daunting place it had been before.


I'm so excited about my plans that I can't sit still!

clarity & confidence

Before YCH was over I had scored a new job where they’re excited about what I have to offer and treat me as an asset.

love your work

This is a HUGE breakthrough for me. My purpose and role is very clear to me, and I know in my gut that this path makes sense for me.


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This is a HUGE breakthrough for me. My purpose and role is very clear to me, and I know in my gut that this path makes sense for me.

make a difference

I felt stuck and hopeless about ever finding a path that felt right for me and doable. Even though I'd tried a lot of different approaches to finding the kind of work I wanted, I hadn't been successful. I was resigned to letting go of the idea of having real interest or connection in my work.

Before, I always had this vague "I want to help people" notion but couldn't really get beyond that in any way that could become a lucrative career. I came away from the program with a very clear picture of the business I want to start and the problem I want to solve. This is a HUGE breakthrough for me. My purpose and role is very clear to me, and I know in my gut that this path makes sense for me.

This work helped me to tap into something I hadn't been able to do before and as a result I have plans now that feel authentic, possible, and meaningful.

- kendra

Before YCH was over I had scored a new job where they’re excited about what I have to offer and treat me as an asset.

love your work

I was in a job that didn’t fit anymore, and in an environment that was getting more toxic every day. I was exhausted.

YCH gave me the opportunity to identify my strengths, and to learn about ME and what I can do. The curriculum definitely opened my eyes to all that I am and am capable of. After Your Career Homecoming I can say I like my current career; it was the environment that had to change.

Before YCH was over I had scored a new job where they’re excited about what I have to offer and treat me as an asset. And now I have the tools to reinvent if this one doesn’t fit at some point. I see possibilities ahead, and there are no limits now.

-maxiel rodriguez

I'm so excited about my plans that I can't sit still!

clarity & confidence

I had an inkling of what I wanted to do with my life career-wise, but I lacked the conviction and courage to pursue it. Now I'm so excited about my plans that I can't sit still!

I no longer feel apologetic about working toward the life that I want. I feel more self-assured. Mostly, I feel very hopeful about the future, and confident that I'm moving in the right direction for me. I know it won't be easy, but I know it is possible and that I'll always regret it if I don't try.

- Joanna

The work we did reminded me of what I didn’t want, but also what I needed to be okay — and allowed me to exit gracefully from the horrible-fitting job I was in.

clarity & confidence

I feel more energized and more confident about finding work.

love your work

I have the knowledge and the tools to get there now.

change your life

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I have the knowledge and the tools to get there now.

I was feeling very stuck in my current career. I wasn't sure why I didn't enjoy it and I was lost when it came to thinking about what else I could do. I had already changed careers before and the idea of doing that again was so daunting I felt like I was suffocating. My life was slipping away and I was wasting my time doing work I didn't enjoy.

There are two reasons why I signed up for YCH: 1) Laura's message and ideas around finding meaningful work made me realize why I had been so unhappy in my career so far. It felt like I had found someone who finally got what it was I was looking for. 2) I knew I was going to need help and support in this process, as well as some kind of accountability check in. Otherwise I never would have gotten anywhere.

Now I find I am less stressed about finding the “perfect" job. I have the knowledge and the tools to get there now, and I am so much more confident in my interests, skills, and in what I can achieve.

change your life

- jodi

I feel more energized and more confident about finding work.

love your work

My husband had just gone into remission for cancer, the hospital bills were piling up, and we were both frustrated that he was still the one working daily, despite chemo and radiation, bringing home the bacon as the breadwinner of our household. I was feeling shame, guilt, and desperation that my freelance job as a virtual assistant was inconsistent when it came to being paid.

Now I feel more energized and more confident about finding work. More opportunities (especially writing and editing ones, jobs I had dreamed about in the past) seem to be opening themselves up to me, more than ever.

And I love the group coaching calls and the YCH community; there’s something about being with others who are on similar paths, yearning for similar goals, that makes you feel less alone, more fortified.

I feel much more hopeful and confident about my future, wherever it goes. I am realizing there isn’t just one path for me. The career that feels like home can and will change. And that’s okay. Trust is something I can actually hold onto now.

- lily

The work we did reminded me of what I didn’t want, but also what I needed to be okay — and to allow me to exit gracefully from the horrible-fitting job I was in.

clarity + confidence

I found a brand-new facility that hadn’t even opened yet, filled out their application, and told them they really wouldn’t need to interview anyone else for the position I wanted, that I was all they needed, and more. (Such boldness!)

I have you to thank for that, Laura, because the work we did reminded me of what I didn’t want, but also what I needed to be okay — and to allow me to exit gracefully from the horrible-fitting job I was in.

So, Laura, thank you from the bottom of my heart! You gave me the confidence to realize I didn’t need to compete with 100′s of other applicants, and from there I had only to decide the how of going out and picking up my new job… (just like shopping, LOL).

- dar

I'm excited about the job, but even more excited to be the man that I want to be.

find purpose

Working with Laura changed my life. 

love your work

After 6 years of trying to figure it all on my own I knew that I would just be in the same place as I was now several months later if I didn't sign up. 

clarity + confidence

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After 6 years of trying to figure it all on my own I knew that I would just be in the same place as I was now several months later if I didn't sign up. 

clarity + confidence

I wanted to get on the YCH tour bus and be delivered to career clarity.

I feel much more confident in my direction of my career now. It was a really important moment for me when you gave me permission to pursue the career I was most interested in. Before you said that I don't think I would have felt "allowed" to pursue it. I also had an important moment on our final call when you said that the things that I don't like about that field can become points that I can use to differentiate myself. Also your encouragement that being a beginner in the field brings with it it's own advantages. That was a real confidence booster. So I got given lots of confidence in the course from you, Laura. I got a champion in you to say yes I can do this, it's possible.

I now know what course I am going to study. I feel safely delivered to that doorstep! I also have a game plan so I know the next steps forward in terms of starting a business.

The indecision panic has subsided. And if it flares up again I just go back to my awesome tower/filter/career manifesto and it always answers my questions and reassures my doubts. Like you said, that piece of paper is my real resume. I can always come back to that and refine it with time as I continue to learn about myself and my likes and dislikes.

- jane

Working with Laura changed my life.

love your work

Working with Laura changed my life. She was practical, but she also saw my future, the one I wanted, and it was totally safe in her hands.

From 6th grade English teacher to author/illustrator.
THIS IS IT was published with Greenwillow/HarperCollins (February 2018), I GOT NEXT (July 2019), and AMERICA, MY LOVE, AMERICA, MY HEART (April 2021). Daria is also the illustrator of GLORIA TAKES A STAND by Jessica M. Rinker, a picture book biography about the life and work of Gloria Steinem (Bloomsbury, March 2019) . 

- Daria Peoples-Riley

I'm excited about the job, but even more excited to be the man that I want to be.

Find Purpose

I was in a hole emotionally, personally, and with my career. I felt like I was just getting by and not doing what I was meant to do, but I had no idea what I wanted to do. I needed someone to help me understand why I felt like I did and to learn more about myself.

Now, I am confident that I am where I am supposed to be. I have a clear vision of my Why! I know the questions that I need to ask myself on a daily basis to make sure that my values stay aligned with what Laura helped me discover. And, I just got a job offer for a company that is perfectly aligned with my needs and wants. I'm excited about the job, but even more excited to be the man that I want to be.

- mitch zenaty

I know who I am, what I need and want from a position, and am not willing to settle for anything else.

love your work

I have clarity around the kind of work I want to pursue and more importantly, why I want to be doing it. 

practical plan

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