“If you are looking for your Homecoming Career, you’ll get it. 100%.”
I’d spent two years feeling guilty for hating a “dream” job. I’d been researching a career jump but felt like I would have to get a master’s degree to even start on a path I craved…which felt impossible, so I kept looking and looking and feeling like I didn’t have the tools to do anything else.
Life is different now because I can see the steps I need to take to get where I want without feeling pressure to get it all done today. I’m not stressed about it; I’m enjoying the process! I’m listening to that little voice within and bowing to her wisdom. I truly feel like I know what’s best for me and I’m asking for what I want.
If you are looking for your Homecoming Career, you’ll get it. 100%. For me, though, getting to know myself and gaining the confidence to use what I learned about myself to forge a new direction was the best part. I can use it in other areas of my life and the tools I learned to get there are always available to come back to.

Your Career Homecoming Review