“I know who I am, what I need and want from a position, and am not willing to settle for anything else.”
I had been contemplating a career change for about two years because I felt like my current position no longer aligned with who I was or how I wanted to show up in the world.
I would apply for jobs that I really wasn’t excited about but sounded like something I could do. Unsurprisingly, I didn’t land one interview during that time. I knew it was because my heart just wasn’t in it. I was frustrated and knew I needed to take a different approach.
I thought at 37 years old I had a pretty good handle on myself, but through YCH I learned a lot about myself and how to ‘own’ those unique qualities and leverage them effectively in my next career. Rather than trying to bend and shape my resume to what I think an employer is looking for, I feel like I know who I am, and what I need and want from a position, and am not willing to settle for anything else.
I have my own personal filter to run potential career choices through and if it doesn’t meet my standards, it’s not the right fit. I have shifted from the, ‘You have a job that pays the bills and has health insurance so be happy,’ mindset. I expect more and know I deserve it now.
Keli Frigo
Your Career Homecoming Review