“I have clarity around the kind of work I want to pursue and more importantly, why I want to be doing it.”
Before signing up for YCH I didn’t feel like I had an intentional direction for my career. I had a work history composed of a series of different jobs where the purpose was to pay the bills. And I realized that I had lost sight of pursuing work that would be meaningful to me – work that would make me happy and pay the bills.
As a creative person, the message of following your passion is one I’ve heard over and over again. I’d tried following my passion and that hadn’t worked for me. While I enjoy creative projects on a personal level, I didn’t have a sense of contribution that I now realize I needed in my work. So the idea of finding a purposeful career, something that I enjoy that would also help others, made a lot of sense.
I have clarity about the kind of work I want to pursue and more importantly, why I want to be doing it. I have a clear set of criteria that is personal to me and incorporates my values that I can use now and in the future to guide my career decisions, whether I continue on the same path or decide to make a change down the road. And I have a practical plan in place to work toward establishing my Homecoming Career.

Your Career Homecoming Review