“Your Career Homecoming was the catalyst I needed to get past my stale, unproductive way of thinking about my future, and my career. “
The words that would describe the amazingly positive, insightful, and thought-provoking journey of Your Career Homecoming just don’t seem to exist.
Your Career Homecoming was the catalyst I needed to get past my stale, unproductive way of thinking about my future, my career. Laura’s amazing ability to ask just the right questions in a way that’s gentle yet piercing to the core made me think about the answers and reset my “what I want to be when I grow up” button. The importance of HOW I want to be when I grow up became crystal clear.
This experience set me on my purposeful path and gave me the roadmap I needed to chart the right route.
UPDATE: Laura, I have appreciated your guidance over the last few months and I know that some of the decisions I made were a direct result of going through this work with you! I honestly don’t believe that settling on a master’s program and going through with the application process would have happened had I not been able to clarify my vision of where I wanted my career to go. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support, the encouragement, the hard questions, and the kick in the pants!

Your Career Homecoming Review