“I am in the process of interviewing for a definite Homecoming Career!”
I was not stimulated in my administrative job, was unclear about what to do to move forward, and did not utilize my best skills.
Now I am in the process of interviewing for a definite Homecoming Career!!
The wild thing is that I used to joke with people that if I retired or if you gave me a million dollars today, what I would do is continue to do the programs that I’ve been volunteering with for the past 10 years. And what’s amazing is that I could do that. There’s only one paid position in this entire organization, and I’m up for it. They contacted me. That is pretty unbelievable. But before YCH, I felt like I actually had to have a million dollars in order to do this work. Because who gets to do this for a living? Maybe I do.
And that’s one thing that has really stuck with me from YCH. Laura helped me recognize my own style and how things come to me. I’m not Mr. Write 12 Things Down and then go do them. But I still experience lots of awesome success, and synchronicity, and growth. I realized that I don’t really like to hustle, and that’s not a detriment. I learned in YCH that I am not flawed. I do not have to revamp the way I do things. I have to embrace more and more of who I am and my style of things and not complicate it.

Tim Bryant
Your Career Homecoming Review