“I have absolute certainty that starting this business is what I want to do. Perhaps most importantly, I believe that I can do it.”

I’d been working for about 3 years as a Senior Learning & Organizational Development consultant for a tech company. I was doing well in the role, and on paper, it seemed like a great fit for me. But in reality, quite a few things were still out of alignment. I felt like my organization always benefited more than the people I was trying to help, and I wasn’t able to achieve the autonomy and lifestyle that I wanted. But I was “making progress,” and I told myself that this is just how things are “in the real world”.

Then Aunt Corona and her big pause button arrived on our doorsteps unannounced. That brought some things bubbling to the surface that had been eating away at me for a long time. I had an urgent sense that life was ticking away too quickly and that I wasn’t really doing what I wanted with mine.

I can honestly say that the benefits of the program have extended far beyond my career. YCH allowed me to embrace my strengths, my desires, and how I want to show up in the world. It helped me build the belief and trust in myself that I needed to go for what I wanted. It’s caused a shift, and now I approach everything in life a little differently. And as if by magic, new and better things are showing up in my life as a result.

In terms of my career, I went from a tangle of doubts and nebulous ideas to, “I can totally do this, I want to do this, and I have a flexible plan for how I can do this.” I have absolute certainty that starting this business is what I want to do. Perhaps most importantly, I believe that I can do it.


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