“No more “ending up” places. I get to choose my life’s work and legacy.”

Talk about night and day: I’m no longer super anxious about talking with my boss. We talked Friday and I found out I’m getting a 4% raise! I’m also getting a 14% bonus!! I’m now also eligible for a 15% bonus next year…And the best part of all of this was that he told me that he recognizes all of the things I do behind the scenes along with how much I care and that HE TRUSTS ME!!!

When I started Your Career Homecoming I was so desperate to get out of the corporate job I’d ended up in 10 years earlier. YCH helped me learn what my values are AND how to advocate for myself, uncomfortable conversations included. I never would have dreamed that the job I had could become a great fit for me. At first, I felt awkward that I “didn’t move on” from this job or this company….but in truth, I DID move on in mindset and approach and that has made all the difference.

I am now intentionally choosing my path. Now I KNOW what is important to me and what drives me. No more “ending up” places. I get to choose my life’s work and legacy.


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